Malawi, Africa
This past October, Dr. Wine had the privilege of travelling to Malawi, Africa for his second time with a team of volunteers from Mission Community Church. The team spent two weeks in Malawi in order to serve the people in a number of beautiful ways. Through the generosity of church members, community members, and local schools, we were able to collect approximately 1,500 pairs of prescription glasses, readers, and sunglasses to distribute to individuals in need.
The trip was an incredible success thanks to the hard work of the volunteer team and the preparation of the teams’ host organization in Malawi, Somebody Cares. During their stay, Dr. Wine was able to conduct 7 vision clinics in remote areas where access to health care and vision care is extremely limited. Each day there were hundreds of individuals waiting in line to have their vision tested and hopefully receive a pair of glasses. Many had walked miles and miles in order to be seen. The volunteers assisting Dr. Wine worked tirelessly at helping each individual find the best pair of glasses for their vision needs. In total around 800 individuals received free eye care and prescription glasses. Many individuals had lived with impaired vision their entire life and never dreamed of being able to see.
A Crowd Waiting
After receiving glasses, one 87 year old woman said, “God has heard my prayers to see…since I was born, this is my first time to wear glasses. I had no dream of having glasses in my life. God is the God of possibilities.”
What a humbling experience to be part of. For all those who donated glasses, donated time to cleaning and preparing the glasses, and to the team who volunteered their time to travel abroad, we can’t say “thank you” enough.
Eyes On Site
Eyes On Site is always accepting donated glasses in preparation for future trips back to Malawi. When you donate a pair of prescription glasses in useable condition, we will give you 10% off a new pair of glasses.
* For incredible pictures from the trip, visit